the Syrian war theater, where four global powers have been engaged in a bizarre and tragic drama, has been an inexplicable nightmare...I, on the other hand, constantly dream about the antithesis of this situation...where the powers that be are in a state of co-existence in a very different, tranquil state...where the world powers ("mystical creatures") roam free, living in harmony, sharing eternity, forgiving, striving to heal and redeem... I constantly think about the children that grow up in the war-torn environment, and how to take them to this dream...
this song is dedicated to the children of Syria
it's a dream is a song in guru vasist’s debut album rise 8 here for the album overview...
it's a dream
song lyrics:
it is a dream
unlike any other I've had before
an immense green
filled with mystical creatures of lore
phoenix and minotaur,
dragon and unicorn
grazing, wallowing in a clear stream
it's a dream...
I see a sign,
a little hidden in a flowering tree
“to paradise”,
where friend and foe join the revelry
living in harmony, sharing eternity
forgiving, striving to heal and redeem
it's a dream...
it's a dream....
come with me, to this tranquil place
where our children will be safe
hand in hand, let’s make this vision come true
the road is long, together we’ll come through
we have the courage in our eyes,
and the energy in our voice
we have the power to deliver
a future full of hope!
we can start by listening
to those who are struggling
we can clearly hear them say:
peace is the only way!
we can clearly hear them say:
peace is the only way!!
come with me, to this tranquil place
where our children will be safe
hand in hand, let’s make this vision come true
the road is long, together we’ll come through