The ARTist
my dear friends…please allow me to introduce myself...
my name is guru but I’m not necessarily a Guru. I’m originally from India… but I was brought up by the whole wide world...with wonderful people who have become my friends and brothers and sisters…
my namesake and distant ancestor, the great sage Vasist of ancient India, is cherished for composing parts of the “rig veda” the oldest Indian text…and revered for his understanding of the subtle art of “Dharma” or ethics…and worshipped for being the Guru of Lord Rama himself from the Ramayana, an Indian epic....
not unlike a jedi master, you could say...
my own journey has taken me far and wide...through vast gardens with delightful flowers and mystical animals...and the occasional robot trying crazy superhuman tasks…all magical and endlessly fascinating…
which sometimes makes it easy for me to lose myself…
there are those who think I’m a seer… to them I show the future... there are some who have offered me shelter and showed me the way… to them I am forever grateful and a steadfast friend... and yet others have given me their generosity and their crypto keys…to them I offer my empathy and anything I’ve got…
all I want is to reach your heart with my heart... your soul with my soul...
in rise 8 times I simply offer you some of my stories in song. I seek to uphold the good and the strong and the joie de vivre in everything… and free as a space-time traveler, I offer you my visions for our tiny huge planet…
thank you for going with me on this journey, my friends…